Does Car Insurance Still Cover You If You Drive Without a License?

Published by on . Updated on 28 Nov 2024

(Photo Credit: freepik)

Many might wonder: if you drive without a license—whether you forgot it, it was confiscated, or you never had one at all—will your car insurance still provide coverage in the event of an accident? 

The first thing to consider in such cases is whether you’re at fault or not, as the coverage will vary depending on the situation.

Case 1: Driving Without a License but Not at Fault

If you don’t have a license and are not at fault, comprehensive insurance (Type 1) as well as Type 2+ and 3+ policies will still cover damages as usual. You can also claim compensation from the at-fault party. However, you’ll still be legally responsible for driving without a license and may face fines or penalties.

Case 2: Driving Without a License and at Fault

When you’re at fault, the insurance coverage depends on the specific circumstances:

  • You have a license but forgot to carry it:The insurance will still cover damages under the policy terms. However, you may need to present your license retroactively to the insurance company.

  • Your license was confiscated:The insurance remains valid, but you’ll need to provide evidence, such as a copy or photo of your confiscated license, to prove its status.

  • You’ve never had a license:If you don’t have a license at all, the insurance won’t cover damages to your own vehicle or injuries to you. However, it will still cover damages caused to the other party according to the policy’s terms.

Driving without a license or with an expired license puts you at risk of legal consequences and loss of insurance benefits. To avoid such risks, always ensure you have a valid license before getting behind the wheel.

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